Bij Charlie’s stories vertel ik op een eerlijke en pure manier over mijn eigen beautyverhaal en mijn beautystruggles, maar ook over natuurlijke haarverzorging. Daarnaast heb ik het over mijn missie om de beauty-industrie een andere invulling te geven.  


Vandaag nodig ik gastblogger Chelsea van Wild Flower and The Rose uit. Ze gaf me de inspiratie om mijn eigen hair healer-reis te beginnen en is voor mij persoonlijk een mooi voorbeeld van hoe ik zelf met natuurlijke haarverzorging omga.


Chelsea: I don’t see hairstylists in the new age, I see something more authentic.

What if I told you there’s a better way to use your gifts and energy? What if it’s true you don’t have to work your body to the bone 10 hours a day, 5 days a week to earn an honest income? What if instead of giving, giving, giving of your physical energy, you could harness that power and give insight, give empowerment, give skills, give love? Would you believe me?

I see a new hair industry where we give power back to our clients, to give them freedom AND skills to tend to themselves.

Of course, there will always be stylists and salons to go to, who will lovingly care for you. This isn’t an either-or situation, a theme we have been so deeply conditioned to believe. It’s a TOGETHER theme. I see a space where stylists can offer more virtual consults, encourage at-home hair rituals and color refreshes, earn an income without such high overhead. A space and ability to blend their individual passions like energy work, herbalism, crystals, reiki, lunar cycle haircuts, etc without seeming odd. And the coolest part is this time is NOW. You see we’re all just old soul healers hiding in plain sight.

Women come to us for connection, healing, or internal/external beautification rituals. As a therapist, we’re a safe spot and a friend. Why not be who you truly are?

Embody the healer, embody the witch, embody the fiercely deep connection & calling you have heard since a child. And from there we can encourage and support other women in their journeys to re-awaken their own healing powers & abilities. It comes full circle. I see the women in this field expand. What do we all have in common? Easy! We love to be creative, work with our hands, love to mix & customize for our guests, we love the gatherings & the friendships. The list goes on… And whom/what else could these passions & skills be applied to? Easy (again): A wise woman, a healer, a medicine woman, a herbalist, aromatherapist, energy worker.

Hairstylists being hairstylists, It’s outdated, controlled and a nightmare on our bodies. (um, hello “hustling”, not eating lunch or peeing, always “having” to say yes, etc.)


Lees meer over mijn eigen aanpak, snuister rond in de shop of kom langs voor een theeklets. 

Charlotte - hair healer

Charlotte –  Hair Healer